Агентство social information (the ACES) – one of leading expert and information organization in the field of developments civil sektora.
АСИ was created in 1994 on the initiative charitable fund "the Soul cheloveka" and "No alcoholism and narkomanii" (NAN), pedagogical association "Raduga" and groups единомышленников. In that time independent public associations in Russia only took power. Today number registered nonprofit organization approaches to полумиллионной to mark, their activity becomes all more significant and professional. Simultaneously increase the requirements to dataware project nonprofit organization.
АСИ realizes the projects in social sphere, promoting formation of the structures civil society, interaction NKO and the authorities, advancement добровольческих initiatives and development to charities and social responsiblity of the business.
АСИ - specialized agency, reflecting interests of the third sector: associations правозащитников and экологов, charitable fund, feminine and youth alliance, assotiation scientist, workman of the culture, enlightenments. Press network ACES acts in more than 23 regions Rossii.